I've sent a few in for repairs (units were old and were throwing error code). They have a basic repair fee of $45, which is what I've always been charged. It can exceed that if something major is wrong, unit is dead, etc...
I certainly hope they won't charge you for a bad speaker considering that's probably a < $1 part, and your unit is less than 18 months old. I'd put a nice note in the box explaining that you just bought it last February, and hope they can take care of it as a "goodwill repair".

Originally Posted by
I've been thinking of sending mine in for the upgrade, though I'm not sure if it's worth it.
They hold their value so well on the secondhand market that it almost always makes more sense to just sell buy a new one, and sell yours. You can sell almost any V1 from the last 10 years (v1.8 or newer) for ~ $300 still, and more for a 1.85.
Also, the performance really hasn't changed much over the last decade. I have a 1.8 model from like 10 years ago, and any detection difference is really negligible as compared to my current version v1.85 one. Just better filtering (which is important- but just clarifying).