Running in to a bit of a head scratcher. I replaced the transmission filter, and pan gasket on my 05 allroad. The car has been sitting for a few months now, likely a month with no transmission pan, so during that time some access oil dripped out. I also removed the oil cooler lines from the radiator while doing other maintenance, and emptied the radiator completely.
Following the DIY on Europa website, I pumped the initial 3 liters into the pan before I got any overflow. Started the car, ran through the gears etc, began pumping the rest of the fluid into the pan (car still running). The remaining 2.5 liters or so was pumped in to the transmission without any overflow. (trans temp got to about 32 Celsius)
Ran to the local indy shop and picked up 2 more liters, pumped roughly 1.5 of those in, and still no overflow?! Temps reached around 35* Celsius.
Am I doing something wrong here or?
I checked to make sure the pan was level with a 6" bullet level front to back, and side to side...