Hello All,
I thought it'd be interesting to gather your opinions on which of these two you think is better from your personal experiences.
Since I have picked up my RS7, I have only used premium fuel in the car - never filled it up with anything below 99RON. I used to swear by V Power until I had my car remapped where I was told that using Momentum 99 would give me an extra 20HP. The guy told me he'd seen the difference himself when remapping other RS7s and urged me to give it a try. "Tesco fuel?" I thought. "Can't beat Shell, surely?"
Well, needless to say I ran out of V Power quite quickly in the tank after the remap and tried a tank of Momentum 99. The difference was unreal. The car felt much more urgent, revved more playfully, the exhaust popped more and it felt even more fun to drive. Since then I've put in Momentum 99 the majority of the time, and when I've not been able to (my local Tesco station seems to close ridiculously early!) I've put V Power in and the car has felt much slower, and I couldn't wait to put Momentum back in. This has happened on two/three occasions.
I've read whatever I could online about these two fuels head to head, but I'm wondering how you fellow Audi owners get on with these fuels, or if you swear by other brands? Personally I've tried most of the other brands in previous cars and not got on well with any of them. BP Ultimate is the fuel I hate the most.
I'd be very interested to hear what you all think!