My experience (on a SAAB) was that you need a 24" breaker bar, and when you apply force (big arms would have served me well) the bolts give way VERRRY slowly, almost imperceptibly so. On one, i actually stood on the bar. enlist a heavy lifter to help if you are not one, or use a pipe cheater slipped over the bolt. The more common 18" bar will not do it, and the 24" is nice to keep in the trunk with the right socket on it to break loose wheel/tire bolts that have been put on with a monster airgun and have then frozen on place. For the set screw, if the torx socket has already been stripped away, get a screw extractor and drill, but not enough to wreck the threads. If the torx pattern is still there, use powrblaster first, give it some time. Possibly an impact driver with a torx bit (the kind that is used to drive screws, not the big air hammer).