I have two of these boards left to fix the common EGT sensor failures. I aquired 2 more than needed for my own car and spares.
17861 P1453 Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 open/short to B+
17862 P1454 Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 short to ground
17863 P1455 Exhaust gas temperature sensor 1 range/performance
17864 P1456 Exhaust gas temperature control bank 1 limit attained
17865 P1457 Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 open/short to B+
17866 P1458 Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 short to ground
17867 P1459 Exhaust gas temperature sensor 2 range/performance
17868 P1460 Exhaust gas temperature control bank 2 limit attained
Do open the brown and black EGT housings still in car (as removing the sensors is no fun at all) and exchange the boards with these (5 soldering points).
This solution replaces the OEM repair kit part number 078 998 124B ($660 in 2016). Only for DIY-guys.
Price is $150 for both boards (only replace in pairs!) free shipping airmail envelope.