Hello, this is my first post here. About 5 months ago i purchased an 04 audi a4 quattro with 141,000 miles but with service records to go with it all. Been a great car but yesterday the power shut off to it all together and came back in about 30 seconds to a minute...then the head lights wouldn't turn on automatically, I had to turn the fog lights on and then the head lights came on...when the car shut off the date and time reset of course. So when im on my way home i goto arm the alarm it has an aftermarket avital alarm which i did not put in...anyway the remote start works and when you do the remote start the doors unlock automatically...when i try to lock the car with the alarm it will lock it but when you goto just unlock the car with the alarm it wont unlock...no sound...but the lights flash
any ideas? the car has been working fine since i got it..now this happened yesterday