Hi everybody,
Any help solving this mystery would be greatly appreciated.
My A4 was recently purchased in an unknown state. The engine was overheating in a couple of minutes, with no bubbles in the header tank, just rising water level. (Cap was off)
I suspected a broken impeller on the pump.
I read in several of the Audi forums that the way to diagnose a faulty pump is to run the engine and look for water coming out the small return hose to the top of the header tank.
There was nothing there, no movement at all in the water in the tank, so I went ahead and changed the pump, thermostat and timing belt.
Turns out that the pump was fine, the thermostat opened in boiling water as expected, and the belt looked about 1/4 worn.
I ran water from a hose through the radiator in case it was blocked. Flowed easily.
I ran water through any hose connection I could easily get to and it seemed that the flow was ok wherever.
I reassembled everything, filled the motor with water, doing as much top and bottom hose squeezing as possible to burp it, then started the engine. It ran nicely, but again NO movement in the water or flow from the small return hose.
I took it for a gentle test drive. About 4 min later, the temp gauge was hardly moving above 60 degrees, when the temp warning light started flashing on the dash.
I limped home (about 1 min) and the water was boiling when I got there.
Radiator was hot top and bottom.
It seems like the pump isn't allowed to circulate the water for some reason.
Quite frustrating.http://www.audizine.com/forum/images...es/bawling.gif
Does anyone have a water circulation diagram for an Audi V6?
This may be related: The previous owner had a sudden massive cabin leak in the heater core or similar, so joined the 2 heater hoses together above the back of the motor.