Well I was squeezing in a oil change tonight before flying out in the morning for work. Started car as usual for 30 seconds and waited a few minutes to check level. Noticed the level was above the max mark on my dipstick. Thought that was strange as I usually need just over 7 quarts for a change and I added 7 quarts. Continued cleanup and resetting service reminder with VAG com. This gave me time to think through the amount of oil I added. And went you idiot, in my effort to squeeze this in before leaving I added wrong. 5+3 is 8 not 7, I guess that is a downfall of the 5 quart jugs.
Anyway I change oil with an extractor so I had to pull that out again and remove about a quart. Had to throw away a fresh quart of oil but better than an overfilled crankcase.
Other bad part of MMI oil indicator. It never showed overfilled before I removed the extra quart.