Ok. So I have a decent understanding of how the trans works, etc etc.. yeah yeah, it's an auto and it sucks. I have owned a few C5 TIP cars, and typically convert them to 01E. But they do not do this. FWIW it's not just an anomaly or situational, I can replicate this at any time also.
Putting down the road in TIP mode, 3rd gear. Come to a cross street and with no traffic I just head around the corner, at lets say 35mph. No racing or anything, normal throttle. Obviously I slow and the engine starts to bog a little.
It's a 1.8 so it has the torque of a one legged pigeon. RPM's drop a little from around 3k to 2k or so typically, then a little throttle, RPM's climb to about 2700 and the FUCKING THING SHIFTS. I watch the tach go from 2700 -2900 and DROP down to about 2k.
Gear indicator indicates NO SHIFT. VCDS indicates NO SHIFT. But my foot on the throttle and the tach say the god damned thing is shifting to a higher gear for no reason at all.
Trans module coding doesn't matter, it does this regardless.
Do they ALL do this? It's total bullshit.