Originally Posted by
He asked for suggestions in DC. Assuming the DC-area, that would include anywhere between DC and Baltimore.
4+ years and not a single weld has failed. Hmmmmm...
Ah yeah I missed that good looks. Still, RAI is like NE of baltimore, a solid hour and a half. hardly relevant, I don't think OP wants to drive 3 hours round trip to have his exhaust tightened, but I could be wrong.

Originally Posted by
As soon as Arjun sees "RAI", his blood starts boiling, his eyes go bloodshot, and then he calms down and replies to the thread in a calm way with his experience in the matter. That sentiment has been echoed by others, and a complete 180 from still others (I happen to fall into the latter, though it's surprising that a couple months later it could have been me).
So let's all...exhale
I keep saying its funny, yet you say i'm angry haha. not sure where the disconnect is. I really do think those AWIC welds are hilarious.
None of my RAI welds failed either. so that makes 2 of us. I suppose that's an intelligent sample size..... should probably overlook the obviously poor quality of the welds. And I couldn't care less about RAI, but I think suggesting them is mean. and going there is a laughable decision. hence me saying that suggesting them is mean and going there is a hilarious decision. and the all the lols. LOL.
I still suggest DIY