Hey everyone, was going to get a rs4 pressure plate but needed a new disc for it. Since my 01 s4 is going to be k04 powered, was not sure if the regular rs4 disc would hold all the power. If anybody knows a website, where I can order an upgraded disc for the rs4 pp. I looked and did not come up with much, except clutchnet. Also would you guys recommend I go with an used rs4 pp, or a new one. I can get a good deal on the used one.
Also how would this disc from clutchnet compare to the oem rs4 disc thanks.
http://www.clutchnet.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypag e.pbv.v2.tpl&product_id=19799&category_id=8432&opt ion=com_virtuemart&Itemid=140