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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings
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    AZ Member #
    webster, tx

    its really as difficult as people make it seam to bleed the slave on an audi tt

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    I've searched and read articles on the web. I do not seem to be alone in my journey to bleed this slave. I've been trying to bleed the slave in my 2004 tt 225 for the past couple days. i replaced the clutch with a spec stage 2 with the new slave they include, i have replaced the clutch master cylinder as well. i have tried reverse bleeding, vacuum bleeding as well as normal bleeding. it starts out fine after first being bleed then not a few second later it goes back to the same, not able to shift. I've tried waiting 30 minutes then hitting with the pump method once, then wait 30 minutes and doing it again for 2 hours. still does great at first then goes back. I however did not soak and pump with fluid before install as i had no idea this was going to be so complicated. Anyone have any thing that will help me here? Please i am going nuts. just replaced the motor turbo clutch and flywheel but yet i cannot bleed this damn thing. hahaha been turning wrenches for years. last one i had this kind of problem with was on 350z bahaha and reversed bleeding always did the trick. now it won't work help please

  2. #2
    Established Member Two Rings
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    AZ Member #
    webster, tx

    so i have purchased and installed an ecs tuning speed bleeder which is great. but since i have installed it, the pedal starts off strong then just drops as i drive. this was not happening before. i am not losing fluid out of the system at all. but now i am wondering if the generic master cylinder i purchased was/is bad or just the slave. so lost

  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings
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    AZ Member #
    webster, tx

    i have searched the web for this issue and have seen it has happened to many people. But not a single post of what it took to fix it Any input from anyone who has ran into this problem would be great.

  4. #4
    Active Member One Ring Doug_Brg_Crk's Avatar
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    Bragg Creek, Alberta,Canada

    I had similar problem but found I was loosing fluid at connection to slave - o ring was not installed properly. Once that was fixed had no issue. Used pressure pump from ecs. Pumped up to about 8-10 lbs presets clutch couple times to floor and seemed to work fine. Been driving it now for 20k km no issue

  5. #5
    Established Member Two Rings
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    AZ Member #
    webster, tx

    Turns out the slave or master were not the problem. I put a apparent missing spacer under the plastic cap and the little moon clip. It fixed me right up. Couldn't believe it was such a simple solution.


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