I just signed papers on a gem of an Allroad, 9/10 condition, '05 Full Metallic Paint, XM/Bose, Parking Sensors, w/ only 53k on it. Currently have an 08' RS4, and I've been trying to find a clean AR as a DD/Ski/Bike Hauler for the past 5-6 months, and jeez are they tough to find w/ low miles! Find this one across the country and immediately pulled the trigger!
The only thing that bothers me is that it doesn't have the Rns-e. Yes, I know its a clunky, and fairly bad User experience, but it just keeps the interior clean, and much more modern with the factory nav unit. I've done some searching here, but they're posts from 7/8 years ago, I'm a little weary on what exactly I would need as to:
The right RNSE that would fit into an 05 AR? Would one from a b6/b7 A4, S4, RS4 fit? If so, I can likely do some test fitting w/ the Rnse from my RS.
Additional cables/adaptors needed? Part #?
Given the car already has XM, would it be plug and play after likely vag coding? Or are there additional things needed?
What am I missing, or not thinking of?
Who's done exactly this?
Plan here is to get the Rnse, and iphone hooked up from Enfig.
And obvi some pics
and one of the
Thanks in advance!