Decided to do a proactive boost pressure test today since I keep getting a code randomly for my rear oxygen sensors,that are coded out mind you (p1177 and p1178 lambda correction behind catalyst - threshold reached b1 and b2). What I find is I have to pump a lot of air in for it to build. I can build to about 15 psi before it stops building. Air dissipates to 0 in 15 seconds or so. Car doesn't have problems boosting and holding 25psi, so maybe it's the volume of air I'm pumping.
I can hear a leak coming from the disconnected pancake valve. Is this normal? I found a couple small ones in my Charge lines but not very big. Fixed those and now the only hissing I can hear is coming from inside one of those green check valves. It's the passenger side front most one that comes off the fuel rail. Not familiar with how the vac system works and the direction of boost but is it supposed to do this? Is this why I am hearing it from the pancake?
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