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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Allroad - Hatch wont open with out door handle

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    The rear handles on the hatch are not opening the door unless I use the key to unlock the rear door.

    It will open if I press and hold the hatch button and it will open if the doors are unlocked and I hit the button by the drivers seat.

    Coincidentally I am working on removing the level computer. Can that be related?

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    AZ Member #
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    Pulled the trim. The electronic lock moves but it doesn't move the handle lock part. Is there a piece that is supposed to connect them?

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    AZ Member #
    United States

    I figured this out and the situation is rather bizarre. I was missing the coupler piece in the photo. The electronic servo pushes and pulls the door handle mechanism. Without the coupler it can lock the door when the servo pushes out, but it can't unlock because it pulls and is not coupled to the handle mechanism. The bizarre thing is that that piece has not been installed as far as I can tell for months. The coupler piece has been sitting on my desk and eventually went in the trash can because I could not figure out what it was for. All the while the door handle seemed to function normally. Anyways, I suspected the coupler piece was a door mechanism piece but everything was working. Once I started having this issue I fished it out of the trash and installed it. There is even a separate part number for that piece, 3B0862247.20160526_162956.jpg


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