I own a '98 A4 Quattro 2.8 for close to four years. When I first got this car, I became aware of a huge issue this model has with clogged breather hoses and subsequent sludge build-up. If not dealt with, oil can leak from various gaskets + sludge can accumulate in the engine block.

So I replaced the hoses and changed a leaking gasket and all was good. Life went on. But- I regressed back to a bad Audi owner. I know a lot of you will gasp at this & will send someone over during the dark of night to save the car however I did not do what I should of done like change the fuel filter and o2 sensors, use the right oil. I even used unleaded gas!

So now I am experiencing problems with the car. Go figure! I checked the breather hoses and sure enough they are restricted. Oil is leaking again as well. But the car also is acting up with the transmission. It jerks a little going into a gear. Then the car must be trying to adjust / compensate for it.

So - I thought I read somewhere that the car's engine performance (or lack there of) can confuse the car and interfere with the transmission as well. Is that correct? And if so- should I start with getting my car better by changing out the fuel filter and 02 sensors, put the right oil in, work on breather hoses?

Love to hear all your thoughts!
