First I want to thank the organizers for all of their hard work and dedication for accomplishing what a lot of us thought was impossible. Many of us, myself included thought SoWo was officially dead last year when the wreckless actions of some destroyed the town of Helen, GA. The city itself took a vote shortly after the show to not continue it's legacy in the tiny town. A decision that hurt us all, because SoWo wasn't just about the cars it was about the people, the culture, the town, the camaraderie that brought us all together. With that said the organizers were faced with the task of throwing in the towel, or finding a new venue. Everyone it seemed wanted to have it in their own town, but know one seemed to grasp what it would take to have thousands of people and cars in a small town. Finally Matthew Bounds and the other organizers settle on the beautiful town of Savannah, GA, a town I personally had never been to (much like Helen before SoWo).

In a few short months they pulled off one of the sickest car events I have ever been too, sure there were small glitches along the way, but that's to be expected at a new location where nothing of this magnitude had been attempted before. As this was technically a new event, they decided to drop the official SoWo tag and brand it something bigger, more inviting, allowing many of us BMW owners to enter the show for the first time. Euro Experience was born, and without further ado I present to you, my Euro Experience 2016 video.

Thank you for your support, likes and comments.

Also this video is truly mean't to be enjoyed in 4k UHD on a big screen, to get the full experience I highly recommend watching it on a TV vs a phone or small computer monitor.


Zedd, Kesha - True Colors (Nolan van Lith Remix)
Dawn Golden - All I Want (Illenium Remix)

IG @Bsaintmedia