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  1. #1
    Active Member One Ring Dutch10's Avatar
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    Clutch Problem, Please Help

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    Hello, about 6ish weeks about i bought my 2013 S5 w/ the 6 speed standard transmission and 29,000km's.

    Its been a great car and I have wanted an S5 for a very long time.

    I was on a road trip today and I was cruising in 6th gear when the screen between the speed's kept saying I was jumping back between 5th and 6th gear, when I was in 6th the whole time. I stopped to give the car a second and to check it out. When I engaged the clutch again it stuck to the floor and didnt come up (no clutch pressure). I had to get it towed close to 250km 's to get the car back home today.

    At this time I have no clutch pressure at all. When I bought the car it had an inspection and came back 100% clean, the dealership (private Luxury delearship not audi dealership) said the clutch had recently been replaced and that was the only non stock part on the car.

    I was hoping maybe I could get some Ideas on to what may be wrong. Something like a pressure plate? low on clutch fluid? Sync?
    And is there an order of things I should check?

    Thank you very much for the help.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings GotRS?'s Avatar
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    That's an odd combinations of two problems, the switches detecting the gear selected and the clutch failure. If the clutch is not as simple as the hydraulic fluid leaking out (you've already checked right?) then it sounds pretty interesting and expensive, good luck with your shop and keep us posted.

  3. #3
    Active Member One Ring Dutch10's Avatar
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    I apologize for my ignorance but I am unsure how to tell if hydraulic fluid is leaking. Where abouts is the reservoir? If it is shared with the brake fluid then I checked it and it seems fine,

    Any other help or ideas is greatly appreciated

    Last edited by Dutch10; 05-22-2016 at 09:54 PM.

  4. #4
    Active Member One Ring Dutch10's Avatar
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    Apr 12 2016
    AZ Member #

    Took Car to Audi.
    Slave Cylinder malfunctions which then blew the clutch.
    Needs a whole new clutch.
    Thankfull the dealership I bough the car at is going to cover the cost.

    I also found out my car has TD1 tune. I am trying to find out more details about this tune.


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