How freely is the crank suppose to turn. I've worked on other cars and never had trouble turning the crank by hand. I'll give some better info of my issue. I bought the car with the new motor (used) out of the car, but attached to the trans. I've taken on the challenge of putting this car back together and so far i've got the motor in and a lot of connecters I'm unsure of as well as broken vacuum lines. Well, a friend reminded me of checking the crank to make sure the motor is good. I tried to turn it, and nothing. Not even a nudge. is there something I should be looking for? Is the locking pin I've heard of something that's only put in when doing the timing belt or is it always there. I'm new to audi btw. Kinda feel like I bit off more than I can chew with this. All I want to do now is get it running and sell it.
Someone please help. and if you're in the colorado springs area feel free to come give me a hand or help in any way.
Thanks in advance.