I'm on the fence on selling my 2011 B8 S4 or going with another Tuner. In the meantime, I wanted to see if anyone is interested in purchasing the Solomotorsports Stage 2 tune and Stock Tune. I have a 93 tune, just ECU and have the "SMS-PORT", which allows you to load a specific tune to the port from your PC, then flash the tune to your AUDI via the OBD port. For revised or other tunes such as E85, you'd just purchase it from Solo, load it to the SMS PORT and flash to the vehicle. I've attached their website for more info.
It does look like they require you to send in your ECU to be able to use the SMS-PORT. I've tried to call them a couple times to see the cost of this, if there is one, but their tuner Josh was either out or busy. I'll try again tomorrow. Make me an offer. Based on their website with my set up it would be $1250.