and got tore apart by the beautiful people of Audizine.
For those of you who weren't able to experience my crash and burn, heres a short summary:
Differential Fault Error - Took to dealership - Metal in the differential - cost was $6k+, I freaked out, asked other people for handouts by creating a GoFundMe page

But out of all the things that happened the thing that helped me the most was the advice that I received, from purchasing a used differential, getting the parts sheet, only purchasing what I needed, I appreciate every single one of the people that helped and bashed me. Thank you!
Fast forward a few months to today:
I currently have a rainy day/anything messes up with my Audi fund, I purchased a used differential and changed it myself, changed my brake pads, changed the oil. My car is now running smoothly and beautifully.

This experience really gave me more of a perspective and knowledge to know that I can do it myself, yeah it sucks, but its nothing I can't handle.
Thanks Audizine!