Hello Everyone,
As I am getting close to solving my coolant gauge issue (hopefully), I'm moving down the TODO list on other items I need to address on my B6. A few months ago, I installed some updated S4 Door blades on my car. I saw the following on the bottom of the driver's side door:
As you can tell from the first picture, there is a circular rust spot forming. Thankfully those were the only rust spots on the whole car, the other 3 doors are fine. I bought the car originally from the Chicago area, and drove it down to TX back in 2009. So the winter weathers (aka salt) should no longer be an issue, but I wanted to ask a few questions since these spots were hiding behind my old USP door blades originally.......
1. Should I be pro-active on this small rust spot?
2. Will it still pose a threat in the future (ie spreading up to the main door area)?
3. If I do need to stop it, what is the best way to treat it and prevent it from getting worse?
Thanks in advance everyone! All your time and help is greatly appreciated! =)
Asif Ahmad