Since upgrading my exhaust to the AWE system, I have been noticing an annoying vibration/rattling sound coming from somewhere in the car mainly with heavy acceleration. I hunted that baby down and realized it was coming from the center console. So, this weekend I set about fixing it once and for all, and after trial and error here is what I found. Two potential areas of rattling.
The first is the plastic covering for the hinge to the armrest. This plastic piece can become dislodged inside of the console and it will not only feel loose but it will vibrate loudly when accelerating.
Part 2, after securing the hinge, I still was noticing some vibration sound coming from the center console. So I located that sound coming from the plastic piece on the underside of the armrest which vibrates against the other plastic piece just behind it. This video will show exactly how to deaden the sound. Preferably, I would have used felt tape, but all I had at the time was paper tape available.
I hope that helps someone else. I love hearing only the exhaust now and no rattles