I've replaced the following with personal ratings:
Battery - 5/10 because of the akward reach and weight
Front Wheel bearings - 7/10 former NY winter driver car, bearing housings seized in the knuckle
Fuel pump - 6/10 because I had a full tank of gas
Power steering line - 9/10 would be a full 10, but a recruited help
Rear calipers - 2/10 put a short reach allen key, then a closed end wrench on it and presto, easy
Wiper transmission - 3/10 can't believe I had to do this twice in 2 years, gets easier the more you do it
Pinch bolt removal - 8/10 We all know this one, with out the special tool for this, ugggg
Radiator - 5/10 really can't say much besides service position
Putting gas in the car - $/10