Ok, that's kinda what i'm asking. right now without the belt on if i install it on the head like in my picture and turn it with allen wrench, there is absolutely no spring pressure the lever doesnt move nor do the marks line up, nothing moves except the tensioner eccentric rotates around and around with no spring pressure. i just don't get how laying the belt over it will cause the spring in the tensioner to start engaging? what i'm asking is the eccentric in the middle, is that supposed to free spin or is mine not working correctly? check out my first two pictures, that tab i'm pointing to in #1 is supposed to move when i rotate it, and in picture two i'm rotating it but see how that tab isn't moved at all, how are those two red marks in picture #3 ever going to line up? it never does it just free spins. unless thats normal until the belt is actually putting pressure against the pulley? sorry for the confusing question. I just can't have anything go wrong here i've dumped so much money into this crappy engine its not even funny. just about the only thing that hasn't been replaced is the block and pistons. I love audi's and have had 6 of them but this car (2008 a4 2.0T) has changed my mind about ever buying one again. seems the older engines were more solid, this FSI stuff is a pain, there hasn't been a week i've owned it where something hasn't gone wrong with it. the only time is acted right was on my test drive when i looked at it...go figure!