Hey everyone, need some advice and counsel.
Im enroute Albuquerque via Boston and stuck in OK City on a sunday!
Car is overheating and coolant is not circulating at all.
I replaced all the major coolant components about 6 months ago including a metal fin water pump https://www.ecstuning.com/ES8146/
Yesterday when driving i noticed the car would overheat towards the 3/4 mark on hill climbs or under high loads. It would return when in cruise or downhill. It will overheat even at idle given enough time.
Because Ive replaced everything I was under the impression I had air in the system even though ive previously bleed using an ECS Pressure bleeder system.
This morning I cracked the hardline bleeder and coolant comes out (engine running/and off when cold) I also tried bleeding via heater hose and nothing comes out at all (no circulation it seems). The fluid level in the reservoir backs up and will overflow given enough time at idle. The upper hose is hot to the touch and the lower hose is cold.
also replaced within 4 months the lower temp sensor and entire electric thermostat assembly and J plug.
Any ideas on how to test the various components involved?
PS doesnt leak or burn any coolant what so ever.