Alright guys, I already know some of you are gonna give me heat for this question, and I am fully expecting it, but I will ask anyways;
So someone I know, bought a 2000 s4 with o2 and cat deletes with downpipes, and has an apr stage 2 tune that cancels those out so there are is no cel on the car. Now the exhaust is cut with no muffler so it way too loud, but this person I know is getting a new muffler put back on so it will be much quieter.
My question is this, since there is no cel, and if it is quiet when this person takes it for emmissions in slc, will this person's car pass? I have read mixed things stating that post obdII cars do not have to pass a sniffer test, only an obd read.....I also can't find any information on wether or not slc county does a visual inspection of the exhaust. If anybody knows anything about this topic, this person I know would greatly appreciate any advice that can be given. Please feel free to pm me if you want and I can pass the information on to the person I know. Thanks for any help you can give on this topic.