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I don't know why everyone doesn't understand that Audi can see any car thats flashed!!!! Even back to stock??? Why is this so hard for people to comprehend!! Unless you have a 100% stock ECU and swapped that in before going to the dealer and the dealer runs a spec/actual as required for almost any repair at this point it will be flagged..... And don't get mad at Audi (not op) if you wann play, you've gotta pay!!!!
I wish it were that cut and dry. The thing is that there have been literally tens of thousands of people who have flashed back to stock and not been flagged on the spec/actual when the proper OEM file version was loaded onto the ECU.
There are literally only a handful of people who report being TD1 flagged after flashing back to stock and many times when the tuner looks into it there seems to be an explanation such as the incorrect OEM file revision "ie, 0002 instead of 0005" was installed. In some cases, it turns out the dealership manually flagged it (and many won't fess up to doing that).
I do agree that Audi could change their methods for detection anytime so no one should assume they are safe by flashing back to stock. Audi could implement event recording (ie, record when the car exceeded certain load conditions or rpm thresholds or past OEM max speed limiter etc) and store them in a different location of the ECU and they could catch flashed people left and right but as of now they are just running spec/actual on the files according to them. I liked doing the piggy back to be extra cautious but in fairness, I did a flash too and it was never flagged either.
I do agree with you that one shouldnt be completely in shock if they get a TD1 even after flashing back to stock but it does seem to work over 99% of the time...until Audi decides to change their methods...and then the tuners change their countermeasures...and then.... :)