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  1. #1
    Registered Member One Ring
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    2017 Q7 - center rear seat

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    Hi all - I am new here- just got the Q7 last week. I wanted to ask you all if you have had a similar experience. The second row center seat in my Q7 did not slide back and forth. It took me some convincing of the service guys that this was not in fact a "feature". After they looked at it twice and called Audi HQ, they told me that there were "locking pins" in the seat to prevent it from moving and that they would only be removed by customer request, i.e. not part of the PDI process. So we removed them and now the seat slides back and forth. There was no explanation given why someone would NOT want the seats to slide.

    Any of you folks run into this? Does your center seat slide or does is it locked?


  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings ryanhmusic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wrliii View Post
    Hi all - I am new here- just got the Q7 last week. I wanted to ask you all if you have had a similar experience. The second row center seat in my Q7 did not slide back and forth. It took me some convincing of the service guys that this was not in fact a "feature". After they looked at it twice and called Audi HQ, they told me that there were "locking pins" in the seat to prevent it from moving and that they would only be removed by customer request, i.e. not part of the PDI process. So we removed them and now the seat slides back and forth. There was no explanation given why someone would NOT want the seats to slide.

    Any of you folks run into this? Does your center seat slide or does is it locked?

    Not speaking at all from experience but perhaps people want centerlocked seats for child seats? An extra degree of security perhaps?

    Hopefully someone else will chime in with more knowledge but that's the only thing I could think of
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  3. #3
    Registered Member One Ring
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    Thanks for the reply ryanhmusic - I am re-posting this in the Q7 specific area --- learning curve!


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