Part Numbers
VAG (Volkwagen Audi Group) part numbers are generally a 10 character grouping which is divided into three sets of 3 and end in a revision number or letter (i.e., "X" being refurbished part).
The first three digits tell you the model and chassis Audi which is being represented. The middle grouping generally displays coding for the product or part. In this case 035 192 is the RNS-E Navigation Plus "XXX 035 192 X" The X's grouped together preceding it would be substituted by the automobile which the RNS-E was specific to. And the final single character in this case X might be represented by F. So to recap 8E0 035 192 F would be the B6/8E 2002-2005 A4 US spec RNS-E Navigation Plus. The following model line codes are listed below.
Chassis: Model
8Z0: A2
8L0: A3
8P0: A3
8D0: A4
8E0: A4
4B0: A6
4E0: A6
4BH: Allroad
4D0: A8
4F0: A8
8N0: TT
Navigation RNS-E Units
8P0 035 192 Audi A3 Europe, 8P
8P0 035 192 A Audi A3 Europe (MY 2006, without SDS), 8P
8P0 035 192 C Audi A3 North America (Basic, MY 2006), 8P (*)
8P0 035 192 F Audi A3 Europe (MY 2006, with SDS), 8P
8E0 035 192 C Audi A4 Europe (B6/B7)
8E0 035 192 D Audi A4 Europe (B7, MY 2006, without SDS)
8E0 035 192 E Audi A4 North America (B7, MY 2005.5)
8E0 035 192 F Audi A4 North America (B7, MY 2006, with SDS?) (*)
8E0 035 192 J Audi A4 North America (B7, MY 2006+, with SDS?) (*)
8E0 035 192 H Audi A4 Europe (B7, MY 2006, with SDS)
4B0 035 192 P Audi A6 Europe, C5 and Allroad (A4 B5 with faceplate mod)
4B0 035 192 R Audi A6 North America, C5 and Allroad (A4 B5 with faceplate mod)
* Unconfirmed, part number and description may not be correct.
Navigation DVD (Year-Software)
8P0 919 884 (2004-0050) Europe
8P0 919 884 A (2004-0080) Europe
8P0 919 884 C (2005-0100) Europe
8P0 919 884 E (2005_1-0330) Europe (RNS-E BASIC)
8P0 919 884 H (2005_2-0360) Europe (RNS-E HIGH)
8P0 919 884 G (?) Europe
For North America there is only one 2004 DVD (NavTeq W531247003 Version 1A)
Satellite Radio Receivers: North America only
8E0 035 593/8E0 057 593 Sirius w/o RNS-E and w/o tire pressure monitoring system
8E0 035 593 A/8E0 057 593 A XM w/o RNS-E and w/o tire pressure monitoring system
8E0 035 593 D/8E0 057 593 D Sirius for RNS-E and/or w/tire pressure monitoring system, works with Concert/Symphony as well
8E0 035 593 E/8E0 057 593 E XM for RNS-E and/or w/tire pressure monitoring system, works with Concert/Symphony as well
CD Changers (Glove Box)
8E0 035 111 A
8E0 035 111 D
TV & Video Interface
4D0 919 146 C Analogue PAL/NTSC OEM TV Tuner (Confirmed with Euro "C" units)
Dietz 1417 PAL/NTSC Multimedia Interface (link between video source and RNS-E)
Dietz 1280 Video In Motion (Allows for video playback when car is in gear)
Dietz 1380 Multimedia Interface for the older CD based RNS-D
Dietz 1206 Video Splitter Module
Phone Interface Module
8E0 862 335 <MY2005.5 A4 (US)
8P0 862 335 <MY2004 A3
8P0 862 335 A MY2004 A3/A4
8P0 862 335 D MY2005 A4 >8E-5-533 000
8P0 862 335 E MY2005 A4 8E-5-533 001>8E-5-600 000
8P0 862 335 C MY2006 A4 8E-6-000 001/8E-6-800 001>
8P0 862 335 B MY2006 A3/A4 (US)
8L1 862 373A - Microphone
8P0 035 503E - Antenna
Bluetooth Wiring Harness
Bluetooth Receiver
Bluetooth Antenna
Bluetooth Mic
Many thanks to the guys at for a lot of the helpful information.