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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings bmwpower603's Avatar
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    Derry NH

    Timing completed exhaust question

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    I have driven about 50-80 miles on new tensioners, guides, and mechanical adjusters.(much more of course)

    I also replaced header gaskets, and bolts also. Tightened them real good.

    But I have noticed that my car seems a bit loud. But nothing to crazy. Seems to be loud in the cabin.

    I had trouble mounting the downpipes to the transmission using those mounts/ bolts. They wouldn't line up correctly for me. And I got lazy. So I just ended up not bolting up the downpipe, to the tranny.

    Would this be the reason why it seems loud?

    Could someone please re-assure me that it is not the manifold?

    Thank you!!

    P.s. Now that timing is all done. I can now hear my intake flap. Yay me!

    Sent from my SM-G900T using Audizine mobile app

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings JimmyBones's Avatar
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    Northern Virginia

    Downpipes/piggies/stock cats have to be angled correctly or the flared end will not seal correctly. I almost never bolt the downpipes to the transmission but since I angle the pipes correctly then it isn't a problem. Good luck with the car and you have been through a lot with this car so I hope that you really get to enjoy it!


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