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Thread: EPC Help!!

  1. #1
    Registered Member One Ring
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    EPC Help!!

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    Hello, new to audi and this site..

    i think I'm posting in the right place, let me know if I'm in the wrong place!

    So i just bought a 2012 A6 and upon getting on the interstate or getting anywhere near 4k rpms the EPC light comes(seems to be a common problem) on and also warnings that say "do not exceed max engine speed of 4000 rpm". it turns off when i turn off the car, I have read that usually its an oil pressure issue.

    I plan on taking it to an Audi specialist who isn't the dealer (its out of warranty) who said he could hook it up to a computer, look at code, and go from there..
    will this usually find/solve the problem?

    Also what could it be causing this problem and what am i looking at $ wise?


  2. #2
    Established Member Three Rings HackDevil's Avatar
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    It can be a host of things. Getting the cpu will be the first step in narrowing down the issue. Best not to guess until you can read those codes

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  3. #3
    Active Member One Ring
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    I had the same issue on my 2012 Audi A7. It was the oil pressure sensors. It was covered under extended warranty, so not sure how much it costs, but the mechanic changed both the low and high pressure sensors. For what its worth, the actual oil pump and the pressures were ok when he checked it with a guage .. it was just the sensors that were all wacky.

  4. #4
    Registered Member One Ring
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    so will that be picked up with just the computer and reading codes?

    - - - Updated - - -

    thanks for the reply, i am bringing it in within the next few days..hoping its an easy fix

  5. #5
    Active Member One Ring
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    I am pretty sure it specifically will state which sensor is the culprit... I can't confirm though. That was the one time I didn't ask to see the readout on the screen.

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