I have the Chipwerke box on my 6MT, setting is somewhere on the more conservative side (4-1 maybe? Or D-1, whatever it is now). During autocross a few weekends back after my first 5 laps and leaving it parked, I came back to an EPC light. Ran it with Carista and found that I had a cylinder 1 misfire. I wasn't happy, but not entirely surprised. Cleared the misfire code and ran again and it never came back, despite beating on the car harder the second time around.
Fast forward a few weeks and I still don't have another code (cool), but I'm wondering if the damage had been done to my spark plugs. It makes sense that running the extra boost that comes along with a Chipwerke/tune would constitute a bump to 1 step cooler spark plugs to prevent the misfire issues. Just wondering if anyone tuned has switched out their spark plugs, and/or what GIAC/APR/etc recommend for our platform.