Hi all
Picking up my S6 on Saturday and am trying to decide which items if any to add on. Interested in owner thoughts rather than the dealership which just wants my $$.
1) Audicare: This is a big question mark for me as it's based on miles driven. I got a low mileage lease so from that perspective I will never hit their 25k or even 35k service milestones ( I do 5k-6k per year max). My question is are these maintenance schedules based on these mileage milestones or "annual" requirements. My guess is as long as I do standard oil, filter and brake fluid they can't exactly bang me for these services unless I pass these mileage marks....thoughts?
2) Lease end wear and tear and Tire/Wheel coverage: Only question here is whether the lease care covers normal curb rash on rims which is what would happen to me. Never gotten a bubble or a broken rim in 20 yrs so hoping luck remains. I never purchase this but the $650 might make it worth it given I usually have that much damage end of lease from a bumper and a few nicks here and there anyway. Can't fathom needing $1200 worth of new tires and rims to justify the Tire coverage so if end of lease care covers rash I am good. I know BMW only dings you if you have cracked rims or missing metal.