Finally got around to switching my battery out and during the whole process I found these things lying around and doubt they should just be just flopping around.
This little guy was attached to the cabin air filter box and when I dropped the new battery in it caught on the cable and yanked this off. Wondering if it belongs there at all and how to reattach it as I cant figure it out.
This tube was also just flopping around, noticed it after I took the old one out and saw all that space and it was hiding behind the battery.
Old battery (top) and new battery (bottom). Ignore the terminals not being totally attached, they didnt want to go all the way down but I tightened them pretty well, probably going to replace those. I noticed there's a tube attached to the old one but it wasn't attached to anything in the car, should the new one have some sort of vent tube like that or am I fine the way it is?