I am swapping my high mile chassis... built 01.5 1.8t 6 speed into a mint second owner low mile 99 Jaspis a4 2.8t auto chassis. I have everything figured out and aquired except the wiring differences. I noticed the plenum connections behind the ECU are Black,Tan,Orange Red, Orange and Blue on my 2.8 and Black,Tan,Orange Red, Orange and White on the 1.8t 01.5
My question for anyone who has ever done this swap is did you wire the white connector directly into the body harness or did you swap that out?
I have been searching for body harness diagrams for a few days now before posting this post. I have not found any info as to where I can wire these into.
This is what the white connector controls:
- T15, White, 15 pin
1. yellow/blue - to pin 1 (4 on 2001) on throttle body
2. yellow/lilac - to pin 2 on throttle body
3. brown/red - to pin 3 on throttle body
4. green/yellow - to pin 4 (5 on 2001) on throttle body
5. green - to pin 5 (1 on 2001) on throttle body
6. brown/green - to pin 6 on throttle body
7. red/grey - to pin 1 on connector T6y
8. blue - to pin 2 on connector T6y
9. red/yellow - to pin 3 on connector T6y
10. black/white - to pin 6 on connector T6y
11. red/black - to pin 2 on brake light switch
12. white/red - to pin 4 on brake light switch
13. red/green - to pin 1 on clutch vacuum vent valve switch