Congrats on the purchase! I just got mine back in March and had been lurking here quite a bit too so welcome. My answers are based on having the car for a month and a half now, and what I've read here/elsewhere so anybody please correct me if I'm wrong on anything.

Originally Posted by
The Punisher
-Do downpipes with Stock Sport Exhaust add any horsepower?
Not from what I've read. If it does it will be fairly negligible. It does add volume. Even the full exhaust systems from what I've read are fairly limited on hp gains. There's been a lot of discussion but the answer I've seen is either they don't add any, or they add up to 15hp but that's it.

Originally Posted by
The Punisher
-My car doesn't seem to have the same "farting noise" during upshifts - is there a more aggressive shift mode or does Dynamic mode set you in the most aggressive setting?
If you want the upshift/downshift sounds you'll need to be in dynamic mode and ideally manual as well. You still get them in dynamic but you'll need to pull the shift lever back toward you so the display on the dash shows an "s" instead of "d" that will get you the sounds. If you switch to dynamic and it's already showing "s" no need to bother with the shift lever. Otherwise it's pretty quiet with the valves closed on the exhaust. You'll hear more of it on downshifts than upshifts but you do get them on upshifts it's just faster because you're usually accelerating hard and revving high when you do get them.

Originally Posted by
The Punisher
-Are you able to skip tracks via the steering wheel? I've only been able to do it with the audio "Joystick"

Not as far as I can tell