Been a while since the last time I posted here, but I've got an upcoming project. I'm planning some upgrades on my car, and one of the major tasks is that I'm going to install some RPM rods (already have them) while the motor is out. As we all know firsthand, builds always have unexpected surprises, but I would like to ask those of you who have installed rods what other maintenance items you did while the motor was apart? I've done a lot of research, but I feel that there was no clear definitive thread on what should be done when installing.
Here is what I'm planning:
-New rod bearings
-New piston rings
-Gaskets (head gaskets, intake manifold, exhaust mainfold, valve cover, cranshaft seal, cam seals, oil pan)
-Oil pan
-Electric fan conversion
The car is also due for a timing belt service, so I will be doing a Continental timing belt (don't want to have the Gates timing belt squeal lol)
While the motor is apart, I'll take it to a machine shop for cylinder honing (due to new piston rings), cylinder head resurfacing, and block decking. Might as well since machine work isn't too expensive.
Should I do the rear main seal as well?
I'm pretty sure I'm missing a few things, so if there are any suggestions you guys have I'm open to anything.