I have a MY16 S6 without any modifications and wanted to test my 0-60 without using launch control just by flooring the gas pedal. My testing equipment was the Ross-Tech Hex-Net connected to VCDS on a laptop either by USB cable or WiFi (did not make a difference). The car was in dynamic mode, the transmission in S mode, and the electronic stability control was on. When I floored the pedal it seemed like eternity before the car started to move (perhaps almost a second). The 0-60 times reported by VCDS acceleration module were consistently about 5.0 seconds. Does that sound reasonable? I had previously tested using Torque Pro and a bluetooth dongle but my phone was flying around and the times were between 6.5 and 7.5 seconds. I knew that wasn't right probably caused by slow GPS refresh rate and phone not being immobilized. Any suggestion how to improve 0-60 without using LC or getting a tune? Any suggestions on how to measure 0-60 more accurately short of getting a VBOX sport?