So many codes. Don't know where to begin. Audi s4 2001 (.5?) has 171,000 miles. Mechanic replaced all o2 sensors last year. I work on my own car, except when I can't.
Thanks a ton in advance.
7 Faults Found:
17861 Exhaust Gas Temp Sensor 1 (G235)
P1453 35-00 Open or Short to Plus
17866 Exhaust Gas Temp Sensor 2 (G236)
P1458 3500 Short to Ground
17584 Bank1: O2 (Lambda) Correction Behind Catalyst
P1176 3500 Control Limit Reached
17585 - Bank2: O2 (Lambda) Correction Behind Catalyst
P1177 3500 Control Limit Reached
18032 MIL Request Signal Active (Check TCM for errors too !)
P1624 3500
17869 Exhaust Gas Temp Regulation for Bank 1
P1461 35-10 Implausible Signal Intermittent
17868 Exhaust Gas Temp Regulation for Bank 2
P1460 3500 Limit Reached
Readiness : 0000 0000