so bought an 03 A4 with a snapped timing belt, long story short i replaced the timing belt, spring tensioner, pulley tensioner, and water pump. I removed the head and had it resurfaced all new valves and valves seals put it. Put it all back together and had a miss and didn't run quite right. I then drained the fuel tank got fresh gas and replaced the number one injector. started it up and ran fine other then what sounded like the chain tensioner. got in the car drove it made it to second gear and heard a loud blowoff of air and the car shutoff soon after. got it back to the house and spun the motor, was still free spinning and the belt was still their. tried to start it and it started extremely rough idle for 2-3 seconds then dies. tried again and held the gas and runs somewhat normal at high rpms. but when i let go it stumbles and dies, loss of power from idle to roughly around 2k. fuel and spark is good and no cel's, ran a wet and dry compression test and got 1- 60, 2-90, 3-105, 4-110, and wet 1-60, 2-90, 3-120, 4-120. with so little improvement with the wet test i assumed valve problem. removed the head to find all the valves good.
sorry for the long explanation just covering everything so i can get some help at this point. can't decide wear to go next? rings? have the valves tested? or am i missing something?
Thanks in advance for any help and feel free to ask or have me look at something.