I have been working on doing a timing belt and valve cover gasket job on my 2003 A6 2.7T and have hit a few issues to say the least. It was a craigslist find for 1800$ which I jumped at and ended up in over my head a bit. Ended up with pretty much every gasket, cap and seal leaking oil, but I have managed my way through that with the help of you guys here and youtube. My most current issue is as I am putting it all back together, I have found the timing is significantly off. I am not a mechanic and this is only my 2nd timing belt job I have done (first one was on a Ford Focus which was very forgiving), so be gentle with the comments.
While I was putting the crank shaft pulleys back on, the passenger side was off a bit (10degrees-ish), so I used the camshaft lock tool to manuever/lever it back into position with the driver side pulley. As I got everything back on and torqued down, the crackshaft is off as well. At this point I am hesitant to continue as I dont want to finish everything, crank it over and wreck the engine. As it stands, the camshafts are in line, but the crank shaft is not. How do I go about rectifying this issue?
Do I take everything appart and once the timing belt is off of the crank shaft manually pull that to be inline with where it needs to be?
Does this mean the passenger side camshaft was in time with the crank shaft when I thought it was out? How do I go about fixing that issue (iif I can fix it...)?