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  1. #1
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    rear drive shaft

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    I removed the rear drive shaft and rear differential from my 2004 1.8 A 4with a 6 speed manual transmission. I removed all of the bolts holding the drive shaft to the rear differential. I expected the drive shaft to be easily separated from the differential but that is not the case. I have tried tapping around the drive shat flange with a hammer spraying with PB blaster applying some heat using the drive shaft like a slide hammer as there is about an inch of play in the slip joint. There is a little bit of movement but it doesn't separate. Anyone have any insight into what's going on or any ideas on how to separate them I would like to hear your solution I don't want to damage the differential

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings ADCS's Avatar
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    It is only the 6 (?) radial bolts that hold the rear axles to the differential and the one large bolt through the hub/wheel bearing. The cap at the end of the axle sticks slightly inside the diff so it won't slide straight down. You need to compress the inner joint pulling the axle away from the diff (toward hub). If you are lucky it will pop out. I did this to a B6 at a junkyard abd both sidea just popped out. On my B7 I had lower the subframe and use a spring compressor...Goodluck.
    B6 2.7t BEL tuned by Bische
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  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings Kevin C's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by refueler View Post
    I removed the rear drive shaft and rear differential from my 2004 1.8 A 4with a 6 speed manual transmission. I removed all of the bolts holding the drive shaft to the rear differential. I expected the drive shaft to be easily separated from the differential but that is not the case. I have tried tapping around the drive shaft flange with a hammer spraying with PB blaster applying some heat using the drive shaft like a slide hammer as there is about an inch of play in the slip joint. There is a little bit of movement but it doesn't separate. Anyone have any insight into what's going on or any ideas on how to separate them I would like to hear your solution I don't want to damage the differential
    I'm assuming your referring to the shaft that runs from the transmission to the rear diff... AKA the drive shaft. I had the same issue separating the drive shaft on the transmission I got from Michigan. As small amount of rust builds up in the cup where the CV joint seats. The fit is so close that it doesn't take much to make the joint really hard to get out.

    I don't know of any easy way... A good smack and some heat might be enough. I ended up taking the joint apart and drilling it for a couple of bolts that I hooked a puller to. It came apart with a pretty good snap.

    You're on the right track, it just takes a lot of persuasion.
    2003 02X Six speed swapped, RS4 RSB, H&R FSB, B7 brakes, 2.0T stroker, DSMIC's, B7 CTS K04 turbo.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings ADCS's Avatar
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    Oh yea, if you actually mean drive shaft, duh, then you need to hit it with a mallet while rotating it. There is a rubber gasket and grease between the drive shaft and the diff so it tends to stick. Avoid heat. There is rubber right there. And don't hit it too hard or you will bend the outer flange.

    I always find separating the drive shaft from the trans or diff the most challenging and time consuming part.
    B6 2.7t BEL tuned by Bische
    B7 2.0t

  5. #5
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Thanks maybe I should back off from using my 2 lb hammer I haven't beat on it yet although I thought about. I have used a little heat to get the fasteners out, up here in salt country every thing has corrosion issues. I'm trying to visualize how the drive shaft mates to the differential but I have never seen one apart. I don't know for sure what is behind the drive shaft cup. It appears to me that there must be a flange on the end of the differential that the cup bolts too. Kevin C said that there is a CV joint, is it part of the differential or the drive shaft. By the way I've been following Kevin C's 5 spd to 6 spd conversion so if it would be alright I would like get some additional information from you Kevin as I'm thinking about doing the same thing to the 2002 1.8 A 4 quattro I've been rebuilding it has something wrong with the 5 spd clutch/transmission. It just stopped working while down shifting through the gears to make a right hand turn when I shifted into 2nd gear there was nothing there the motor just revs. Now I can shift through all of the gears with the engine running and I don't have to use the clutch. There is either no clutch engagement or something broke in the transmission when it broke there was no noise, no smell, no leaking fluid, and the car runs fine just won't move. I'm gathering parts in preparation if it is the transmission.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    I have the drive shaft and rear differential out of the car. The rubber mallet worked the first hit the cap popped off but the drive shaft still doesn't come out of the rear differential flange/CV joint it slides back and forth or forth and back as my friend Ed always says. It slides about 2" out but it hits something with a clunk and doesn't come out of the flange/CV joint. I have slid it forth and back several times hitting what ever is stopping it from coming out but making no progress in getting the drive shaft to disengage. I don't want to damage the differential any one have any insight as to why the drive shaft doesn't come out of the differential. Thanks in advance

  7. #7
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    I got the drive shat to disengage from the differential but it came apart in pieces all four ball bearings came out of the cage on the drive shaft is this the way its supposed to come apart. Even after getting it apart I still don't know if the CV joint is part of the drive shaft or is it part of the differential or both. The end of the differential that the drive shaft goes into has four channels for the ball bearings. The opening looks like a stripped bolt head socket the channels spiral into the opening. The drive shaft has a cage around a round head with corresponding channels for the ball bearings that also spiral down and around the head. Is the drive shaft assembly broken or is it supposed to come apart like this.


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