hi guys
i think i can change the engine load calibration adaptation to get more responsive throttle by changing the oem values numbers
here is sort of adept Channels
Channel 000: Reset self-learning values
Channel 001: Idle speed adjustment
Channel 002: Torque limit
Channel 003: Engine load calibration
Channel 004: Calibration of servo pump load
Channel 005: Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
Channel 006: Idle speed
Channel 007: Maximum speed limit
Channel 008: Coolant temperature calibration
Channel 009: Calibration of air-conditioner compressor torque
Channel 012: Soot mass calibration
Channel 050: Immobilizer (vehicle data self-adaptation)
Channel 091: Immobilizer status
Adaptation Channel Functions]
This lists all Bosch Motronic 7 adaptation channels with a typical
factory VAG control range and the maximum possible control range
if one were to directly write changes to the serial eeprom.
Note that Bosch Motronic 7 codes have differences in what adaptation
channels are actually implemented.
Channel 1: Additive Engine Idle Speed Offset
This channel allows one to adjust the engine idle speed in steps of 10
Typical VAG control range : -50 rev/min to +50 rev/min
Maximum possible control range : -1280 rev/min to +1270 rev/min
Channel 2: Tweak on fuel enrichment based on increasing loads (i.e. accel pump)
This channel adjusts a fuel enrichment term that is proportional to load
rate of change and that acts to enrich full when the engine load is
increasing. This is equivalent to an accelerator pump function
Typical VAG control range : 100% to 110%
Maximum possible control range : 0% to 200%
Channel 3: Tweak on fuel enrichment based on decreasing loads
This is very similar in function to channel 2 but adjusts a term
that works to decrease fuel when engine load is decreasing.
Typical VAG control range : 90% to 100%
Maximum possible control range : 0% to 200%
Channel 4: Tweak on Startup Fuel Enrichment
This adjusts the startup fuel enrichment term.
Typical VAG control range : 100% to 110%
Maximum possible control range : 0% to 200%
Channel 5: Tweak on Warmup Fuel Enrichment
This adjusts the warmup fuel enrichment term.
Typical VAG control range : 90% to 100%
Maximum possible control range : 0% to 200%
Channel 6: Lambda Regulation
This tweaks a lambda regulation system's narrowband oxygen sensor
cycle time in steps of 10 milliseconds.
Typical VAG control range : -100 ms to +100 ms
Maximum possible control range : -1280 ms to + 1270 ms
Channel 7: Additive Offset On Speed Limiter
This is allows one to adjust the speed limiter in steps of 1 kmh.
Typical VAG control range : 0 kmh (no adjustment allowed)
Maximum possible control range : -128 kmh to + 127 kmh
Channel 8: Secondary Fuel Tweak
This adjusts the main fuel term.
Typical VAG control range : 100% to 110%
Maximum possible control range : 0% to 200%
Channel 9: Additive offset on ignition timing angle
Allows one to shift the ignition timing angle up or down in steps of
0.75 degrees.
Typical VAG control range : No adjustment allowed
Maximum possible control range : -96 Degrees to +95.25 Degrees
Channel 10: Primary Fuel Tweak
This adjust the main fuel term.
Typical VAG control range : No adjustment allowed
Maximum possible control range : -25% to +24.8%
Channel 11: Unused
Typical VAG control range : No adjustment allowed
Maximum possible control range : -128 to +127
Channel 12: Specified Engine Load Scaling Factor (Turbocharged cars only)
This factor allows one to scale the specified engine load. The default
value comes set at the maximum value, so specified engine loads can only
be reduced with this adaptation channel.
Typical VAG control range : only 100% allowed (no adjustment allowed)
Maximum possible control range : 0% to 100%
Channel 13: Control Bits
These control bits affect engine idle control.
Typical VAG control range : limited to 2 control bits
Maximum possible control range : 8 different control bits can be set
or cleared
Channel 14: Additive Offset To Idle Torque
This channel allows one to raise the minimum torque maintained at idle.
Typical VAG control range : 0 to 31 (arbitrary units)
Maximum possible control range : 0 to 255 (arbitrary units)
so guys i got the tool to do this but i dont now the right numbers to input in the Channels so any one can help