I also don't get why people have such problem bleeding clutches... this is the simplest hydraulic system you can imagine...
Make sure your car's ass is a bit higher than front so that any bubbles in slave cylinder stay in bleed screw area instead of migrating to front of slave cylinder, loosen the screw so that you can easily crack it, put a length of your choice of hose over the bleeder nipple, route hose to under the car and park it in some jar, crack the bleeder at least 1/2 turn and wait for fluid to start coming out of the hose. Now gently press the pedal all the way in, very slowly return it (at this point you will have to do it with your hand), do that like 20 times making sure to refill reservoir every few pumps.
I think what people are screwing up on is not refilling reservoir like a maniac keeping it 100% filled at all times. Clutch fluid intake tube is located VERY high on the reservoir so as soon as you hit about 2/3 of capacity on your way down, you will suck in air into the clutch system. It is designed this way so in case you lose fluid in clutch hydraulic system, it leaves enough fluid in reservoir for brakes to be unaffected.