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    2.8V6 B5 A4 1999 Audi - Engine Speed Sensor Location

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    Moving the post to the main thread as I am hoping to get lucky and have more eyes on it and tell me where this is...

    Any help is greatly appreciated folks!

    Well, I have done a bunch of Google searches, Audizine searches, and am ending up short on this one. Plenty out there on the B5 Audi A4 1.8T, but nothing for us V6 guys.

    The other day my car began to have starting issues and when I pulled the code it came up as the Engine Speed Input Circuit - P0322. Talked with the guys at ECS to make sure I have the right one and boom, a few days later it arrives... So I go out to the car to put this in (figured hey, I can't find anything but how hard could this be) and unfortunately I can not track the line to where it lands in the car.

    Does anyone have a diagram or location that they can help me find this sensor?

    Once again, B5 1999 Audi A4 2.8V6 - Engine Speed Sensor Location is what I am looking for. I plan on leaving the original sensor in because of the 80 zip ties I saw on the line.

    Appreciate the support, and if anyone locates a DIY that would be awesome

    Thank you

  2. #2
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    The engine speed sensor aka the Crankshaft Position Sensor is actually really easy to replace once you know where it is. It's also not easy to see even when you know where it is.

    You'll have to get under the back of your engine and feel up. It's right where the back of the engine connects to the bell housing (as it "senses" the flywheel) - on the drivers side. It's really the only sensor that's there when you feel around. It's got 1 hex bolt though I'm not sure what size - maybe 5mm.

    You're other option is to find the grey connection and follow it back to the sensor.

    This shows you exactly where:

  3. #3
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    From memory, the 30V V6 does not have an engine speed sensor. The only sensor that is timing related on the transmission is the crank sensor.

    V6 12V engines with the Hitachi system had an engine rpm sender, in addition to the regular crank sensor.
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    Nollywood hopefully that isnt the case based on the code the scanner pulled, because I would totally lost at that point.

    Eldude, ok yeah that is what I thought it was pretty buried close to the firewall and following that wire was tough.

    I will have to get back under the car and see what I can find!

  6. #6
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    I see you also asked in the 2.8 tech section. That pic that Jonnytheboy posted is probably your best bet.

    Just get under the bell housing and reach up and feel around close to where it mates with the back of the engine. There'll be sensor wire sticking out, not at the top, and not at 9 o'clock like shown in the picture, but at about 10 or 11 o'clock. One bolt holds it in. Like I said, super easy to do once you know where it is. If you have to do it a second time, it'll take longer to jack the car up than replace the sensor.

  7. #7
    Veteran Member Four Rings seanf86's Avatar
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    is at the front of the trans on the left side about half way up, depending if your car is tiptronic or manual there may be more than 1 hole in the bell housing for a sensor, make sure it goes back in the correct spot and if there is a spacer on the old sensor REUSE IT !! otherwise your new sensor will mash into the reluctor on the flywheel and grind itself to death.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by elduderino200 View Post
    I see you also asked in the 2.8 tech section. That pic that Jonnytheboy posted is probably your best bet.

    Just get under the bell housing and reach up and feel around close to where it mates with the back of the engine. There'll be sensor wire sticking out, not at the top, and not at 9 o'clock like shown in the picture, but at about 10 or 11 o'clock. One bolt holds it in. Like I said, super easy to do once you know where it is. If you have to do it a second time, it'll take longer to jack the car up than replace the sensor.
    Yes, I saw a ton of views but not many comments which is why I double posted it up. Felt like that section was not as "hot" of a viewing ground. Once I came here had a ton of great information come to help.

    I shall be going outside in about 45 minutes to get this bad boy in.

    Appreciate all the details folks, and I will conquer this 😁

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by seanf86 View Post
    is at the front of the trans on the left side about half way up, depending if your car is tiptronic or manual there may be more than 1 hole in the bell housing for a sensor, make sure it goes back in the correct spot and if there is a spacer on the old sensor REUSE IT !! otherwise your new sensor will mash into the reluctor on the flywheel and grind itself to death.
    Awesome, good to know!

  9. #9
    Active Member Two Rings
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    You guys were right... Once you know location kind of STUPIDLY EASY!

    Wow, cannot believe I couldn't locate


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