I am wondering if anybody has the same issue as I do...
There is a noticeable rattling noise coming from the driver side panel when the car is in idle. It goes away when I press the gas pedal. I am sure it is not one of the panels loose kind of thing. The car has a little over 14K on it. I took it to the dealer yesterday and basically they cannot tell me what's going on as the car is not throwing codes and they don't "have another car that they can compare side by side". They even tried to tell me that it could be a normal thing for the car. Sure. The car runs great of course right now but the rattling just bugs me too much...it could be a very serious issue. I googled around and it could be the timing chain/tensioner problem. Anybody has any ideas/suggestions/solutions?
addition: the rattling sounds like from the shield that goes over the manifold, more prominent on the driver side.