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Hello all,
I have been flashed from the start of Unitronics 3.0 venture and love it. I for the first time ever took the car to the track and ran a 12.617. But when I got there a found myself asking way to many question and still ended up not doing the proper steps for a good time, but I had a good time lol.
1. Is there a checklist of all the items that need to be addressed. i.e. A/C, L/C, time between laps (subject to everything, heat etc...)
2. Should we try to use the water/burnout or drive around.
3. And what is the best way to record/document your times. I had friend say prove it.
I Just flashed from home the new Unitronic flash they have that asks that you have a cold water system which I don't, but I think and have asked others (Mike) that it should be fine. I'm going to the track again to see if I can improve on the maiden voyage. 4/29
First, sorry I missed you at the track. I guess I got there after you left. I had my wife with me, and she was slowing me down (I gave her a pass since she's 7 months pregnant....).
Some general comments on cooling first....
The time between laps, cool down, etc. will depend a lot on the cooling system on the car, and what's happening at the track. Obviously, the cooler the better, but if the car is already hot, hot lapping works just fine (no waiting, no cool down). The car is not going to cool down much unless it sits for a long time, so waiting for it to cool down is not very practical. The car cools better moving than sitting with the engine off for a short period of time. The one thing that really hurts is sitting still in the staging lanes. So, you have to balance those things. If you are going to be sitting for more than a minute or two in the staging lanes, turn the car off. The less you can minimizing the time you spend sitting in the staging lanes, the better.
As Tom (andthen) taught me recently, running the AC as high as possible will run the fans full blast and really help with cooling. I tried to run my AC as much as possible up to the front of the staging lanes, and it dropped my IAT's 8-10 degrees. With that said, the track workers will tell you to make sure you have your AC off, so you have to be aware and make absolutely sure you turn it off when you get near the front of the staging lanes.
My process.... Make sure the AC is off, turn the radio off, roll up the windows, put my helmet on....
1. Turn the traction control completely off (hold down for at least 5 seconds)
2. Make sure the car is in sport/dynamic mode if it's an option
3. Go around the water box, but stay as far back as possible
4. Straiten out the wheels
5. Give the gas a full/fast stab to peel out a little. This will scrub and crap/rocks off the tires.
6. Creep up to the starting line. If you are going for the best time, the more shallow you can stage, the better. So, once you trigger the first light, just barely creep forward until the second light comes on. If you are racing someone to cross the finish line first, you probably want to pull as far forward as you can.
7. Once both lights come on for both cars, initiate LC or your launch method (you have a couple seconds before the start lights go off at this point).
8. I usually launch right when the last yellow light comes on if I am racing someone. If I am going for a good time only, I don't worry about the green light. I'll start when I'm ready (within reason).
That's pretty much it for me. Launch and go.... I make sure to stay on the gas until I am well past the finish line.
Mike and Loe did a good job of describing the best way to launch a DSG, or as some call it the Primetime method or similar:
I log and record all my runs, so in terms of documenting, I have video, logs, and a time slip of every run. I start both my logging and GoPro before I go around the water box. For most people the time slip is enough. Take a picture of your car with the number on it, so you'll have something that matches the car# on the time slip if you need further proof.