I have a FMIC that uses the OE throttle body hose and just got a methanol kit. I am going to mount my meth nozzle pre TB as the directions and my tuner have requested for now. I am looking for IC piping to weld a bung onto later. Please don't respond with, "buy a TB spacer" or "tap your manifold". I want to run one nozzle for now and will consider 2 later(TB spacer and post IC).
Anyone have any pictures of a OE TB hose with a meth nozzle tap?
I was going to use washers to mount the nozzle like they have suggested in this excellent article:
I also have seen this picture in another AZ thread where it looks like someone has used the OE hose and it leaked:
I have read that the nozzle should only be mounted between 12 and 3 o'clock. I want to be as far away as possible from the TB(5-6"is suggested by AEM). The OE TB hose has many twists and turns. I don't know much about fluid dynamics, thus I am worried about meth puddling up in my TB before it atomizes.
Any suggestions on where to tap?
Is the location in the picture above fine? It seems like he should have moved his location 1/2" to the left at 12 o'clock so he wasn't spraying directly onto the TB. The white audi marks on the TB hose are 12 o'clock on the TB itself. Can you move further down/away from TB on that hose at 12 o'clock and not cause any puddling of meth before the turn?
Here are the yellow numbered locations I am considering to tap the TB hose orthogonally: