Not sure if anyone is aware of meet or a part of one of the Eurogeeks chapters but we are having our annual April Fools Cruise this Saturday at the Kent narrows bridge starting at 1.... open to any and all there will be food vendors open. I believe 2 bbq's (atleast one) good times, good people. Anyone in the Delaware area, or nearby MD, we are meeting at foodlion in Bridgeville at 1140 and leaving for the meet at 12 sharp. Expecting a decent amount of cars to cruise from there and for those in southern MD and Virginia on the Peninsula there is a cruise gathering in Salisbury at ollies I believe. I think they are departing athe 1130 from there. Anyone interested please come in will be filming from my silver and black c5 with RIP DAZ on the back window. Any questions feel free to contact me here or Facebook Shawn Welden